Architectural Control Committee

ACC Application Form (PDF) Click for file

Our Architectural Control Committee (ACC) preserves the community’s high standards by considering and approving all exterior changes (maintenance, remodeling and landscaping, such as painting, patios, replacement roofs, etc.) to Wedgewood homes to ensure compliance with our Rules, Guidelines and Covenants.

The Architectural Approval Form is available as a PDF from the link above, or from any committee member.

Completed ACC Request Forms should be returned to any ACC Member. Their contact information may be found in your Wedgewood Directory.

If you have questions about the neighborhood, deed restrictions, rules, and ACC requests, please call one of your ACC members or board members. All Rules and Deed Restrictions are also available on this website.

Current ACC Rules (Click for File)

2022 ACC Committee Members are:

John Bauckman, Chair
Susie Watkins
Rick Swope
Alf Van Fossen
Michael Kern